
International Expansion

August 4, 2020

In 2020, TerraHub took its verified worker solutions beyond the original target market of oil and gas clients, and for a second quarter in a row saw exponential growth.

After an initial expansion into industries with essential workers such as healthcare and construction, the company continued seeing traction as businesses began reopening. TerraHub now works with healthcare, construction, retail and professional services companies across the globe. "After all, a business’ ability to protect its employees, customers and their data will never be anything less that absolutely critical to their success in any market." said Dan Giurescu, CEO.

New partnerships and new product features supporting the safe return to work of thousands of workers around the globe were also rolled out during the second quarter. To meet the growing needs of our clients, we have joined forces with a leading contact tracing solution provider, Aware360. Together we are delivering a Fit for Work Program designed to support businesses reopen safely.

These new features were reviewed by an international panel of privacy, technology and ethics experts and later published in the Technology Governance During a Time of Crisis, by the Human Technology Foundation.

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