
CompTIA Features TerraHub's Software in COVID-19 Global Series

April 27, 2020

CompTIA, the world's leading tech association, recently interviewed TerraHub about how its software is extended to essential service workers, such as healthcare providers. Titled, Tech for Good, the piece describes the company’s work to help flatten the curve.

Is there a scarier job than being a health care worker working through the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic right now?

The constant risk of possible exposure to the deadly virus is taking a grueling toll on many of those dedicating themselves to working the front lines. With so much at stake, it’s imperative that medical professionals feel safe and empowered to work and that their employers and patients also have confidence that doctors, nurses and other medical staff are doing everything they can to stay healthy so that they can continue to work.

That’s what TerraHub Technologies, a Calgary, Alb.-based developer of automated verification solutions is gearing up to do. The company’s Credential Link solution leverages the immutable, distributed ledger properties of blockchain technology to allow hospitals and health care workers to verify and track the COVID-19 test results and self-assessments of employees…. read more

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