
TerraHub Delivers the First Industrial Blockchain Workshop in Calgary

February 24, 2018

On February 24th, 2018, TerraHub launched its 101 workshop series in Calgary, Alberta. It was a first of its kind for the city, a sold out event, with a growing waiting list. It was a day which will never be forgotten by our team and everyone who participated. We made history together! A room which comfortably seats forty persons welcomed over sixty participants. We were all hungry for knowledge, curious to see how blockchain will change our professions, and the way we work and communicate.

The morning started with a brief history of blockchain, some theoretical concepts around the technology and examples of the wide-spread applications currently piloted around the world. Throughout the day we heard from our colleague Dason Wells, IBM about their projects and lessons learned, and we even had the opportunity for hands-on project work (non technical).

The day went by in a flash. We were all glad we had cookies and coffee to keep our brains going and went home filled with new ideas and excitement for what blockchain can bring.

We know this technology is in its infancy, today we have open code, consortiums and an initial look at process improvements. We also know that in the next three years we will see the amount of adopters grow, the due diligence and regulatory maturity be ready for enterprise applications, and eventually we will enter an age where none of us will remember what life was like before blockchain. Just like we did with smart phones and the internet.

Everyone in the workshop felt the empowerment this early knowledge brought them. Let’s continue to grow together and build blockchain into something good for our futures.TerraHub will continue to bring the latest developments in both platform and project information to business and individuals around the world. We were incredibly humbled by the support our home town showed us on February 24th. Seeing you, the participant, reach that “ah-ha” moment is our fuel to keep going.Stay curious! Stay informed!

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