
TerraHub Working with Colleges and Universities on Blockchain Education

June 14, 2019

Since 2018, TerraHub’s Blockchain Programs for Business Executives have grown in popularity with Universities and Colleges across North America.

Programs for business leaders looking for innovation within their industry

Built by executives for executives, management and business owners, these programs focus on understanding and identifying blockchain opportunities across all industries.

“I would recommend this course to anyone in my organization. Not just board members, but my executive team too.” – CEO and Director, Construction and Leasing

“Before coming here, I wasn’t sure what blockchain was, now I understand where it can make a difference in my business.” – Board of Directors, Oil and Gas

“Really enjoyed the applied theory and real life examples. This was tangible and very comprehensive.”- VP, Energy

“TerraHub was able to take something really abstract and confusing and make it real and easy to understand.” – CEO, Banking

The programs cover Blockchain Principles, Product Demonstrations, Key Applications, Global Trends and even a Capstone Project where teams get to experiment with building their own solutions (no technical skills required).

TerraHub has been working with the following higher-ed schools: University of Calgary, University of Lethbridge, University of North Dakota, University of Houston, Red Deer College, Bow Valley College, Mount Royal University.

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